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Contact Lens Appointments

A contact lens aftercare appointment is a specialised service provided by eye care professionals, such as optometrists or Contact lens Opticians, to ensure the ongoing health, comfort, and optimal vision of individuals who wear contact lenses. During a contact lens aftercare appointment, the following aspects are typically addressed:

Lens Fit Assessment: The eye care professional will evaluate the fit of your contact lenses to ensure they align properly with your eyes. They will assess the position, movement, and alignment of the lenses on the cornea, as well as the overall comfort and vision provided.

Visual Acuity Testing: Your visual acuity with the contact lenses will be assessed to ensure that you are achieving clear and satisfactory vision. The eye care professional may use an eye chart or perform additional tests to measure your visual acuity at various distances.

Eye Health Evaluation: The health of your eyes is crucial when wearing contact lenses. The eye care professional will examine your eyes for any signs of irritation, redness, inflammation, or other potential complications associated with contact lens wear. They may use specialized instruments to evaluate the cornea, conjunctiva, and other ocular structures.

Lens Prescription Review: The eye care professional will review your contact lens prescription and ensure that it is still appropriate for your visual needs. They may make adjustments to the prescription based on changes in your eye health or vision requirements.

Lens Care and Hygiene Education: Proper lens care and hygiene are essential for maintaining healthy eyes and maximizing the lifespan of your contact lenses. The eye care professional will provide guidance on cleaning, disinfecting, and storing your lenses, as well as the recommended replacement schedule.

Addressing Concerns and Questions: This appointment provides an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding your contact lenses. Whether it's about comfort, vision, or general lens-related issues, the eye care professional will address your queries and provide appropriate solutions or recommendations.

Follow-up Plan: Depending on your individual needs, the eye care professional will determine the frequency of your contact lens aftercare appointments. They will establish a follow-up plan to ensure ongoing monitoring and support for your contact lens wear.

Contact lens aftercare appointments are important for maintaining the health and effectiveness of your contact lenses. Regular follow-ups help identify and address any issues promptly, ensuring that you enjoy comfortable and clear vision while minimizing the risk of complications associated with contact lens wear.

Contact Lens Aftercare (Member on a scheme)

Price-Included in your monthly subscription:

As a member, you'll receive a discount on both spectacles and sunglasses. Additionally, if your prescription is more than a year old, you may need a sight test, which will incur separate charges.

Please refer to our eye examination services for more details.

Contact Lens Aftercare (not a member)

From £45.00

Why not join our membership today:

As a member, you'll receive a discount on both spectacles and sunglasses. Additionally, if your prescription is more than a year old, you may need a sight test, which will incur separate charges.

Please refer to our eye examination services for more details.

Contact Lens Trial Appointment

£50.00 Plus monthly Direct Debit membership or pay as you go depending on the type of lenses prescribed for your individual needs.

Separate contact lens aftercare fees may apply if you pay as you go, see contact lens aftercare (not a member)

You may also need a sight test if your prescription is more than a year old separate charges apply) - see eye examinations

Here is a service description for MiSight or equivalent contact lenses:

Initial Consultation: The MiSight contact lens service begins with an initial consultation, during which the eye care professional evaluates the suitability of MiSight lenses for your child. They assess your child's age, prescription, eye health, and other relevant factors to determine if MiSight lenses are appropriate for myopia control.

Prescription Assessment: The eye care professional will review your child's prescription and determine the specific parameters required for MiSight contact lenses. MiSight lenses are available in different powers and designs tailored to address myopia progression in children.

Lens Fitting and Trial: Once the prescription is determined, the eye care professional will fit your child with a trial pair of MiSight lenses. They will demonstrate and guide your child on how to properly insert, remove, and care for the lenses. This allows your child to experience the comfort and vision provided by MiSight lenses.

Follow-up Appointments: MiSight contact lenses require regular follow-up appointments to monitor the effectiveness of myopia control and ensure proper lens fit. The eye care professional will evaluate your child's eye health, measure visual acuity, and assess the fit of the lenses during these appointments.

Lens Replacement and Maintenance: MiSight lenses are typically replaced on a scheduled basis. The eye care professional will provide instructions on when and how to replace the lenses. They will also educate your child on proper lens care, including cleaning, disinfection, and storage techniques.

Monitoring Myopia Progression: Throughout the course of wearing MiSight lenses, the eye care professional will monitor the progression of your child's myopia. They may conduct additional tests or measurements to evaluate the effectiveness of the lenses in controlling myopia and make any necessary adjustments to the prescription if required.

Ongoing Support and Education: The eye care professional will provide ongoing support, guidance, and education to you and your child regarding the proper use and care of MiSight lenses. They will address any concerns or questions you may have and provide recommendations for maximizing the benefits of myopia control.

MiSight contact lenses are specifically designed to slow down the progression of myopia in children. They are daily disposable soft contact lenses, providing convenience and hygiene benefits. By participating in the MiSight contact lens service, you can take an active step in managing your child's myopia and potentially reducing the long-term risks associated with high myopia.

Consulting with an experienced eye care professional who specialises in myopia control and MiSight lenses will ensure personalised care and optimal outcomes for your child's vision health.

Myopia Control Soft Contact lenses

Initial Trial Fee of £50.00 which includes:
1 Initial consultation and full measurements taken, discussion of the best type of contact lens for the individual needs of the child
2 Collection appointment of the contact lenses, to include teaching how to insert and remove the contact lenses.
3 Follow up appointment in 1-2 weeks of the collection appointment.

£50.00 per month payable on Direct Debit membership only payable after the initial 3 appointments, pay as you go not available for this lens.

Contact lens aftercare included.

You may also need a sight test if your prescription is more than a year old separate charges apply)

Here is an average fitting service description for Ortho-K:

Initial Consultation: The Ortho-K process begins with an initial consultation, during which the eye care professional assesses your suitability for Ortho-K. They will evaluate your eye health, prescription, corneal shape, and other relevant factors to determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment.

Corneal Mapping and Measurements: If you are deemed a potential candidate for Ortho-K, the eye care professional will perform corneal mapping and measurements using specialized instruments. These measurements help create custom-designed contact lenses specifically tailored to the shape of your cornea.

Custom Lens Fitting: Based on the corneal measurements, the eye care professional will order custom-designed Ortho-K contact lenses for you. These lenses are typically rigid gas-permeable lenses that are specifically designed to gently reshape the cornea while you sleep.

Lens Insertion and Training: Once your Ortho-K lenses are ready, the eye care professional will provide hands-on training on how to properly insert, remove, and care for the lenses. They will guide you through the process, ensuring that you are comfortable and confident in handling the lenses.

Follow-up Appointments: Ortho-K requires regular follow-up appointments to monitor the progress of corneal reshaping and assess the overall effectiveness of the treatment. The eye care professional will evaluate the fit of the lenses, measure visual acuity, and monitor your eye health throughout the treatment process.

Ongoing Lens Management: As you progress with Ortho-K, the eye care professional will continue to provide guidance on lens care, hygiene, and wearing schedule. They may make adjustments to the lens parameters based on your visual needs and corneal response.

Long-Term Management: Ortho-K is typically an ongoing treatment process. The eye care professional will establish a long-term management plan to ensure that your cornea maintains the desired reshaping effect. This may involve regular check-ups, lens replacement, and ongoing support to optimize the outcomes of Ortho-K.

Orthokeratology offers the benefit of providing clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses. It is primarily used to correct myopia (short-sightedness) and mild astigmatism. The overall goal of Ortho-K is to reduce dependence on corrective eyewear and potentially slow down the progression of myopia in children and young adults.

It's important to consult with an experienced eye care professional who specializes in Ortho-K to receive personalised guidance and determine if this treatment is suitable for your individual needs.


£150.00 initial appointment which includes the initial consultation, measurements and detailed scans.
The collection of the lens appointment including teaching of insertion and removal of the contact lenses.
The 1st morning appointment.
The 1 -2 week appointment.

£55.00 monthly Direct Debit membership this is a recurring monthly payment method for the ongoing eye care service. to commence once the initial appointments have been completed ,the membership includes contact cleaning solutions and replacement 6 monthly contact lenses if eye drops are needed there will be an additional charge.

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